Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Air And Water Pollution Essay - 1282 Words

Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they don t have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living condition might threatened a child s life. Hazardous†¦show more content†¦But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates. (Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those who don t have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body. As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who are of high income. (Health, J., Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on the d evelopment of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of living in high-ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low-ozone country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and familyShow MoreRelatedAir and Water Pollution essay4881 Words   |  20 PagesINTRODUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION The chemical composition of the atmosphere today is so different as compared to the atmosphere that existed before the Industrial Revolution, 1760 – 1830. To define air pollution, we should first consider all those sources that release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and alter its chemical composition. 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